Home / Carbon Fiber Tubes / Round Carbon Fiber Tubes / ID 2-3.125" / Page 3
SKU Nominal ID (in) Nominal OD (in) Wall Thickness (in) Length (in) Exterior Material Type Price hf:att:pa_nominal-id-in hf:att:pa_nominal-od-in hf:att:pa_wall-thickness-in hf:att:pa_length hf:att:pa_exterior-material hf:att:pa_product-type 2.000-2.110-UD-72 2.000 2.110 0.055 72 UD Std-Mod $ 227.502-000 2-110 0-055 72 ud standard-modulus 2.000-2.116-TW 2.000 2.116 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 275.00 – $ 345.002-000 2-116 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.000-2.120-TEX-72 2.000 2.120 0.060 72 Texalium Std-Mod $ 307.502-000 2-120 0-060 72 texalium standard-modulus 2.000-2.123-BB-72 2.000 2.123 0.062 72 Blue/Black Std-Mod $ 307.502-000 2-123 0-062 72 blue-black standard-modulus 2.000-2.123-RB-72 2.000 2.123 0.062 72 Red/Black Std-Mod $ 307.502-000 2-123 0-062 72 red-black standard-modulus 2.000-2.124-HMTW-72 2.000 2.124 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 454.002-000 2-124 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 2.000-2.128-TW 2.000 2.128 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 145.50 – $ 360.002-000 2-128 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.000-2.130-UHM-72 2.000 2.130 0.065 72 Twill UHM $ 477.002-000 2-130 0-065 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.000-2.244-TW 2.000 2.244 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 486.50 – $ 647.502-000 2-244 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.000-2.246-HMTW-72 2.000 2.246 0.123 72 Twill High-Mod $ 885.502-000 2-246 0-123 72 twill high-modulus 2.000-2.254-UHM-72 2.000 2.254 0.127 72 Twill UHM $ 908.502-000 2-254 0-127 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.250-2.360-UD-72 2.250 2.360 0.055 72 UD Std-Mod $ 282.502-250 2-360 0-055 72 ud standard-modulus 2.250-2.366-TW 2.250 2.366 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 286.50 – $ 347.502-250 2-366 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.250-2.370-TEX-72 2.250 2.370 0.060 72 Texalium Std-Mod $ 356.502-250 2-370 0-060 72 texalium standard-modulus 2.250-2.373-BB-72 2.250 2.373 0.062 72 Blue/Black Std-Mod $ 356.502-250 2-373 0-062 72 blue-black standard-modulus 2.250-2.373-RB-72 2.250 2.373 0.062 72 Red/Black Std-Mod $ 356.502-250 2-373 0-062 72 red-black standard-modulus 2.250-2.374-HMTW-72 2.250 2.374 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 506.002-250 2-374 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 2.250-2.378-TW 2.250 2.378 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 169.50 – $ 425.002-250 2-378 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.250-2.380-UHM-72 2.250 2.380 0.065 72 Twill UHM $ 535.002-250 2-380 0-065 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.250-2.494-TW 2.250 2.494 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 543.00 – $ 725.002-250 2-494 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.250-2.496-HMTW-72 2.250 2.496 0.123 72 Twill High-Mod $ 989.002-250 2-496 0-123 72 twill high-modulus 2.250-2.504-UHM-72 2.250 2.504 0.127 72 Twill UHM $ 1,017.502-250 2-504 0-127 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.375-2.491-TW 2.375 2.491 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 264.50 – $ 352.502-375 2-491 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.375-2.499-HMTW-72 2.375 2.499 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 535.002-375 2-499 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 2.375-2.503-TW 2.375 2.503 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 177.00 – $ 445.002-375 2-503 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.375-2.505-UHM-72 2.375 2.505 0.065 72 Twill High-Mod $ 563.502-375 2-505 0-065 72 twill high-modulus 2.378-2.622-TW 2.378 2.622 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 572.50 – $ 762.502-378 2-622 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.500-2.610-UD-72 2.500 2.610 0.055 72 UD Std-Mod $ 305.002-500 2-610 0-055 72 ud standard-modulus 2.500-2.616-TW 2.500 2.616 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 278.50 – $ 372.502-500 2-616 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.500-2.620-TEX-72 2.500 2.620 0.060 72 Texalium Std-Mod $ 394.002-500 2-620 0-060 72 texalium standard-modulus 2.500-2.623-BB-72 2.500 2.623 0.062 72 Blue/Black Std-Mod $ 394.002-500 2-623 0-062 72 blue-black standard-modulus 2.500-2.623-RB-72 2.500 2.623 0.062 72 Red/Black Std-Mod $ 394.002-500 2-623 0-062 72 red-black standard-modulus 2.500-2.624-HMTW-72 2.500 2.624 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 563.502-500 2-624 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 2.500-2.628-TW 2.500 2.628 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 185.50 – $ 467.502-500 2-628 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.500-2.630-UHM-72 2.500 2.630 0.065 72 Twill UHM $ 592.502-500 2-630 0-065 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.500-2.744-TW 2.500 2.744 0.122 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 600.50 – $ 800.002-500 2-744 0-122 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.500-2.746-HMTW-72 2.500 2.746 0.123 72 Twill High-Mod $ 1,092.502-500 2-746 0-123 72 twill high-modulus 2.500-2.754-UHM-72 2.500 2.754 0.127 72 Twill UHM $ 1,121.502-500 2-754 0-127 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.750-2.866-TW 2.750 2.866 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 306.00 – $ 407.502-750 2-866 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.750-2.870-TEX-72 2.750 2.870 0.060 72 Texalium Std-Mod $ 425.502-750 2-870 0-060 72 texalium standard-modulus 2.750-2.873-BB-72 2.750 2.873 0.062 72 Blue/Black Std-Mod $ 425.502-750 2-873 0-062 72 blue-black standard-modulus 2.750-2.873-RB-72 2.750 2.873 0.062 72 Red/Black Std-Mod $ 425.502-750 2-873 0-062 72 red-black standard-modulus 2.750-2.874-HMTW-72 2.750 2.874 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 615.502-750 2-874 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 2.750-2.878-TW 2.750 2.878 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 198.50 – $ 502.502-750 2-878 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.750-2.880-UHM-72 2.750 2.880 0.065 72 Twill High-Mod $ 650.002-750 2-880 0-065 72 twill high-modulus 2.750-2.994-TW 2.750 2.994 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 707.50 – $ 942.502-750 2-994 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.750-2.996-HMTW 2.750 2.996 0.123 72 , 96 Twill High-Mod $ 1,387.00 – $ 1,595.002-750 2-996 0-123 72 96 twill high-modulus 2.750-3.004-UHM-72 2.750 3.004 0.127 72 Twill UHM $ 1,230.502-750 3-004 0-127 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 2.875-2.991-TW 2.875 2.991 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 319.50 – $ 425.002-875 2-991 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.875-3.003-TW 2.875 3.003 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 201.50 – $ 510.002-875 3-003 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 2.875-3.119-TW 2.875 3.119 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 686.50 – $ 915.002-875 3-119 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus 3.000-3.115-TW 3.000 3.115 0.058 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 388.00 – $ 517.503-000 3-115 0-058 72 96 twill standard-modulus 3.000-3.120-TEX-72 3.000 3.120 0.060 72 Texalium Std-Mod $ 442.503-000 3-120 0-060 72 texalium standard-modulus 3.000-3.123-BB-72 3.000 3.123 0.062 72 Blue/Black Std-Mod $ 442.503-000 3-123 0-062 72 blue-black standard-modulus 3.000-3.123-RB-72 3.000 3.123 0.062 72 Red/Black Std-Mod $ 442.503-000 3-123 0-062 72 red-black standard-modulus 3.000-3.124-HMTW-72 3.000 3.124 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 673.003-000 3-124 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 3.000-3.128-TW 3.000 3.128 0.064 36 , 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 208.50 – $ 527.503-000 3-128 0-064 36 72 96 twill standard-modulus 3.000-3.130-UHM-72 3.000 3.130 0.065 72 Twill High-Mod $ 707.503-000 3-130 0-065 72 twill high-modulus 3.000-3.244-TW 3.000 3.244 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 715.50 – $ 955.003-000 3-244 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus 3.000-3.246-HMTW-72 3.000 3.246 0.123 72 Twill High-Mod $ 1,299.503-000 3-246 0-123 72 twill high-modulus 3.000-3.254-UHM-72 3.000 3.254 0.127 72 Twill UHM $ 1,334.003-000 3-254 0-127 72 twill ultra-high-modulus 3.125-3.249-HMTW-72 3.125 3.249 0.062 72 Twill High-Mod $ 701.503-125 3-249 0-062 72 twill high-modulus 3.125-3.253-TW 3.125 3.253 0.064 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 329.00 – $ 437.503-125 3-253 0-064 72 96 twill standard-modulus 3.125-3.255-UHM-72 3.125 3.255 0.065 72 Twill High-Mod $ 736.003-125 3-255 0-065 72 twill high-modulus 3.125-3.369-TW 3.125 3.369 0.122 72 , 96 Twill Std-Mod $ 744.00 – $ 992.503-125 3-369 0-122 72 96 twill standard-modulus
HOLIDAY CLOSURE: Our offices are closed December 23rd-January 1st. We will reopen January 2nd. Please note that orders received during this time will not be processed until we reopen.